I am looking to sell my LED setup that I built a few years ago. It is built for an 8x2ft tank but could also be broken in half to two 4x2 sections. 240 3w LED's. 120 White, 120 Blue with 60 degree lenses. The system is built so it creats zero spotlighting and creates an even distribution of light over the entire tank. It is powered by 4x Meanweel HLG-185w drivers. which are fully dimable via a controller (I use apex VDM) or a potentiometer. The setup allows for each side of the tank to be independently dimmed. as well as each color to be dimmed independently.
The LED's themselves are a mix of the following
Pure White
Cool White
440~460nm super blue
460~475mn blue
The PAR readings are incredible. Turned up to 100% I can get over 300 on the sandbed of a 24" deep tank. I usually run the lights at 60% on the blues and 40% on the whites.
The LED's themselves are a mix of the following
Pure White
Cool White
440~460nm super blue
460~475mn blue
The PAR readings are incredible. Turned up to 100% I can get over 300 on the sandbed of a 24" deep tank. I usually run the lights at 60% on the blues and 40% on the whites.