CRW Reef;312706 said:
There is a very common hobby misconception about re-using old water in thinking it will keep the new tank from cycling.
+1. However, it may be to his advantage to use water from the old tank to ease any acclimation of fish an corals. Below is what I did when I upgraded from my 75 to my 125 and no coral were mad for more than a few hours when they got moved.
Set up new tank with new salt mix, 1 scoop of sand from old tank, all the new rock, and 1 rock from the old tank. Additional bacteria seeding from dr tims one and only
Twice weekly for 1 month:
- remove 10 gal of water from 125
- replace with 10 gal from 75
- rop of 75 with fresh salt mix
- move one rock with no coral on it from 75 to 125
Daily (weeks 3 and 4)
- put 5 gal from 125 in a bucket
- put 5 gal from 75 in a bucket
- put 125 bucket into 75
- put 75 bucket into 125
- feed 10 drops of phyto
Week 3
- add bottle of copepods
The result of this was both tanks running at exactly the same levels of everything by the time I moved everything over and no acclimation was needed. I just plopped them from the 75 to the 125 (after temp was within 0.1 degrees) Pod population was booming too.