Debating on resurrecting my tank....


Butterfly Fish
So I have a 20" cube and a 50 gal breeder, that I planed on using as my downgrade........ But I have little interest in my aquarium now. I feel bad to get out after all the $$$$ I've spent. Anybody else ever been in this predicament?
I ships also add that I have all new equiptment nin waitin to be used. How did you get back into the hobby?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
LOL, I was out of the hobby for a while, until I found an old homemade protien skimmer min the garage. It reminded of the fun we used to have building tanks and equipment and about a week later I had my 100 gallon cycling. That was all it took for me.
Forced breaks, Uncle Sam keeps it fresh for me...
That and making weird tank projects, like i'm going to make a reef monster out of agrocrete for my boys. Going to put some zoas or gsp on it after it cures.


M.A.S.C Club Member
think something different Tyler, like cuttlefish tank or sea horse tank. I'm still trying to dial in this sps thing and its been years. had great luck and also had setbacks. LMK if you want to swing by for some beers

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I always go shopping with my wife and look for obscure things to use in my tank or to make a tank. Yesterday at Walmart I was in the craft area and came across the glass section where they had a 6"x6" "vase" that was about 15" tall. I'm thinking of making it into a nano tank!!