Diamond Goby and Danner Mag Drive Pump Question

*1*) Anyone know where to find or recently seen a good Diamond Goby for sale? I looked this weekend everywhere and only found a small one at South Broadway Tropicals. I bought it AGAINST my better judgment, because I was concerned he was too small. He looked really clean and bright, and was actively sifting the tank at the LFS. Well..sure enough, I get home and think he settles in, and the next morning find him outside the tank. I have 3/8" marine epoxy coated steel hardware cloth as a cover, but being as small as he was, he managed to get through the holes and was sun bathing under the lights on top of the tank cover. :chargrined: So now I'm looking again for another one....
*2*) Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of throttling back a Danner Mag Drive Pump? I have an Eheim 1262 and I'm looking for a little bit stronger pump. I ran a Danner in a large freshwater predator tank without issue, but it was a large tank and I didn't have to throttle it back at all, as well as it was freshwater which might be easier on the internal parts (no salt creep, etc.) Anyone running a Danner pump at all in SW?


M.A.S.C Club Member
What are your concerns about throttling back a pump? All pumps can be throttled back with no detriment to the pump. It's what they're made to do. You can think of it as throttling back the pump is simply applying more head pressure to it.

All the internal parts that make a mag drive work (magnets, wires) are sealed and do not come into contact with water. All other pieces on the pump are plastic except for the propeller shaft which is stainless steel, so there's no problem using it in saltwater.

I used a mag12 on a system for years, throttled back, with no problems.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think all pumps have to throttle back to output, never the input. I used a mag for a log time in sump to power a skimmer, never an issue.

Let me know if your looking to sell or trade for the Eheim 1262. I have a panworld nh 150 ps external pump I could trade.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I ran a danner mag for the chiller on my old tank. Can't say I throttled it back with a ball valve, but there were a few 90 degree elbows on the output that slowed its flow significantly...the only downside was that it ran a bit warm, but I was running it externally so that wasn't a concern.

Check with Aquatic Art; pretty sure I saw a couple larger diamond gobies there when I stopped in about a week ago.
I thought I had read that throttling back the output through a ball valve / gate valve close to the output could put unnecessary wear and tear on a pump. My plumbing comes up from the sump about a foot, then gently works through 45's to the display tank. I made it this was because I wanted to minimize head loss with abrupt angles and get the most out of my return volume / flow. Essentially now I want to increase the GPH through the system, as well as increase the return flow so maybe I can remove a Koralia (or such). If I cut off the flow to the refugium and direct 100% of the pump output to the display tank, the plumbing in my overflow can accommodate this without issue. Knowing that, I want to up the pump GPH. I was thinking of getting the Mag 18 and throttling it back a bit, between the DT and the refug.
I checked AM on Sat and no Diamond Goby's, I have not checked at AA. Can't shop this weekend, just purchased tickets for the family to go to Florida for a few days. We're leaving on V-day! Last minute impulse buy! I need some sunshine.