Everything for sale 2

Hey everyone, Its been a while since I've been on the site. As some of you will remember I had to breakdown my 55 gallon about a year ago to move to San Fransisco on an internship. Well the internship went great and they hired me before I came back to school to finish my last semester. Now its time to downsize and sell everything so I can pack light for my upcoming move. So here is everything, I am trying to sell it all at fair prices but I've been out of the game a while so feel free to make offers but please make them reasonable. I also can take better pictures if you would like, just pressed for time, hence the amateur photography. There are multiple posts so please keep looking. Everything was ran for 1 1/2 years or less.

Please text or call as I do not get on the site much anymore.

Ty @ 970-481-8555

Thanks for looking!

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Tons of miscellaneous fish stuff (nets, LED lights, silicone, mesh, lots of cleaning brushes)

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Maxi-Jet 1200 (one used one new in box)
$25 for both

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Mag Float

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Fuge Light (two 9w bulbs) End is damaged but could be fixed and grows Cheato great!
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