Everything for sale 3

Hey everyone, Its been a while since I've been on the site. As some of you will remember I had to breakdown my 55 gallon about a year ago to move to San Fransisco on an internship. Well the internship went great and they hired me before I came back to school to finish my last semester. Now its time to downsize and sell everything so I can pack light for my upcoming move. So here is everything, I am trying to sell it all at fair prices but I've been out of the game a while so feel free to make offers but please make them reasonable. I also can take better pictures if you would like, just pressed for time, hence the amateur photography. There are multiple posts so please keep looking. Everything was ran for 1 1/2 years or less.

Please text or call as I do not get on the site much anymore.

Ty @ 970-481-8555
Thanks for looking!

View attachment 7086
HOB filters

View attachment 7087
(Free) Two canisters have broken, but you may be able to replace. Going in trash if no none grabs it
Spectra Pure ROI (Been sitting a while)

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View attachment 7089
Refractometer with calibration fluid

View attachment 7090

Two Catalina Aquarium 6 bulb T5 lights, one light usable the other is all pulled apart(Kept mostly b/c of the 6 Workhorse Balasts)
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RODI and Refractomer back up for sale. Freedominco is a flake, we set up a meeting in Denver then never showed and now hasn't even returned texts for two days after saying that he/she would drive up to FOCO. You suck!
Tyronius;170279 said:
RODI and Refractomer back up for sale. Freedominco is a flake, we set up a meeting in Denver then never showed and now hasn't even returned texts for two days after saying that he/she would drive up to FOCO. You suck!
Excuse me? I did text you the morning before we were to meet, telling you I could not make it I said I would make the drive all the way to you, you asked when, I told u this weekend the lastest, I never heard back from you, then yesterday I get a text from you saying I suck ??? now your on here playing childish games.

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