First INTENTIONAL additions !!

Pictures of the very first intentional additions to mynewly cycled tank, that weren’t hitch hikers. I bought two Fire Shrimp, twoFirefish Gobies, one Bangaii Cardinal (made sure it was CaptiveBred), and one unknown mushroom frag. I was going for thegreen mushroom, but the striped one came along on the same frag I guess. I alsohave this unknown small....thing, I guess that was in my LR rubble. I thoughtmaybe it was a ricordea before it opened up. However, now these appear to bemore anemone tips, or bubble tips. Is this perhaps an anemone frag of somesort? It is distinctly bright orange under LED moonlights so I assume it hassome phosphorescence, correct? Let the addiction begin!!


Butterfly Fish
my blood red shrimp always hides, i think the skunk shrimp is the best as it always cleans and is always out, it has even cleaned my cut on the side of my thumb when i put my hand in the tank


M.A.S.C Club Member
the first pic almost looks like some mojano i pasted last week.....but i suck at ids so maybe aaron or an expert can chime inn
I've googled mojano and most pictures seem to have some sort of disc in the center. It would make sense if it is because it came in on LR rubble, but the bubble like tips are all the way around the base, not like Aptasia, or a polyp, etc. additionally, do mojanos have phosphorescence, because this thing glows under the LED moonlights?

Thanks for the ID. I googled that and it definetly looks a lot more like one of these than what I first thought it was. Hope I can do well with it. I moved it out of the stronger current and it's already 2/3 the way up the tank so I think it likes the stronger light. Grow baby grow!