All fish are healthy and have been in my possession for at least 3 months, most for over a year.
Lists will be updated as each fish is sold.
Yellow tang - $30
Chromis - $5 each
Dragon Goby - $20
Dragonfaced pipefish - pending a trade (price will be updated if trade falls though)
Purple pseudochromis - $25
There MIGHT be two clowns and starry blenny for sale, however, I am doing my best to figure out how to keep them.
Live rock - $3/lb (most rocks have a few polys or something or another growing on them)
Fish wont be able to be picked up until all the rock is out of the tank and it can be drained. Unless you want to come over and fish what you want out. Ill have some beer and a camera as we watch you try and get them out
Lists will be updated as each fish is sold.
Yellow tang - $30
Chromis - $5 each
Dragon Goby - $20
Dragonfaced pipefish - pending a trade (price will be updated if trade falls though)
Purple pseudochromis - $25
There MIGHT be two clowns and starry blenny for sale, however, I am doing my best to figure out how to keep them.
Live rock - $3/lb (most rocks have a few polys or something or another growing on them)
Fish wont be able to be picked up until all the rock is out of the tank and it can be drained. Unless you want to come over and fish what you want out. Ill have some beer and a camera as we watch you try and get them out