I never said anything about it, but pretty much from day 1 a year ago the little bubbles in my tank drove me NUTS.. I tried changing water levels in the fug, adding filter media to help screen them, nothing worked.. And now I know why.
From my return pump I have 2 lines. i.e left side right side.. Well turns out the right side had a small leak on the backside of a 90 degree fitting. So instead of just slopping on some glue on it, I replaced the whole right sideline tonight.. WHAT A PAIN IN THE ***.. But I have no more bubbles!!!! :cigar:
From my return pump I have 2 lines. i.e left side right side.. Well turns out the right side had a small leak on the backside of a 90 degree fitting. So instead of just slopping on some glue on it, I replaced the whole right sideline tonight.. WHAT A PAIN IN THE ***.. But I have no more bubbles!!!! :cigar: