Florida Corals to Here


Butterfly Fish
Im going down to Florida for a break, and ive been here before to this coral shop around the area,but its like some huge coral ware house. It was huge and had alot of stuff, like even shark eggs. Anyways question was I was wondering If i got something, is there anyway I could bring the coral back, you know without shipping. Like on carry on or something?


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Check out tsa.gov on the right hand side of page is (can I bring). Do a search on live fish. You are aloud to carry on more than 3 oz. I tried live coral but it didn't find anything. Maybe you could use other phrases. If you have a smart phone, download their apt if available to have with you when returning. Hth's


M.A.S.C Club Member
I'd just pick up corals the day you leave and pack in suit case in a dry box or something to protect the bag! Everything should be fine!


Butterfly Fish
lol good idea they would check for carry on, but it would be ok to have like what you said with more than 3 oz in the the suitcase, Is there any problems with doing that?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
You cannot take more than 3 oz in your carry on, but you could check a bag with more in it. I generally bring my own scotch when I travel and this is how I do it, Ive had it confiscated fomr my carry on, but never had any issues when checking the bag. Last time I was at the airport I saw a guy with a box of live tropical fish he was checking and didnt seem to have any issues either, although Im sure he paid for the live cargo.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I bring corals home from TX and other various locations all the time. Jut make sure they're packed in your checked back. The amount of water doesn't matter since its in the necked luggage. But as has been said, get everything either the day you're traveling home or as late as possible the day before. Everything will be fine :)