For sale: TrueLumen Pro 36" LED strip lights, 50 gallon breeder, oak stand


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
36" TrueLumen Pro strip LEDs, about 1.5 years of use on them. Plenty of oomph for SPS and clams in e.g. an 18" deep tank like a 40/50 breeder. Includes 2 power supplies plus Y-splitters. Low profile and run cool, work really nice under a canopy. $120 OBO.

  • (2) Deepwater Actinic Blue 453nm
  • (1) 12000K Diamond White (a couple of the LEDs don't light)
  • (1) 50/50 12000K White/Actinic Blue 453n
View attachment 24197

50 gallon breeder. A couple small scratches (could use that as the back side, or would make a great sump for a bigger setup). $40 OBO

36x18 oak stand (for e.g. 40/50 breeder size tanks). Sturdy, finish is in pretty decent shape. (Canopy is kinda rough, could throw that in for free if you want it.) $25 OBO

I'm in central Denver, could also meet up at the August 9th MASC meeting at Aquatic Art Inc.
