Frag glue

I have several corals and some DBTC's that are ready for fragging. What do you recommend for Zoas? Mushrooms? Thanks all............


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
If you can break a piece of the rock or frag plug off with the polyps still attached that is ideal, you can then glue that chunk of rock to a frag plug. Otherwise i use an exacto knife and I cut the zoa as close to the rock or plug as I possibly can and glur it to a plug. For glue they make a special type of reef safe super glue that is not supposed to be harmful to corals. Be careful not to get the head of the polyp in the glue otherwise it wont be able to open. As for mushrooms Im not sure, never actually fragged em. They come loose fomr time to time and I just put them in a container in the tank with some rock rubble, they eventually attach to one of the rocks and you can then glue said rock to a plug. Ive nenver been able to just glue a mushroom to a plug, there too slimy.

As for mushrooms Im not sure,

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ambrosio Aquatics is selling some awesome bottles of glue cheap!!!! Should pm him


M.A.S.C Club Member
People on here have used Loc-tite from a hardware store. Not sure of the specific type of Loc-tite but I know its supposed to work and be safe....I guess!


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
coloagro;180892 said:
People on here have used Loc-tite from a hardware store. Not sure of the specific type of Loc-tite but I know its supposed to work and be safe....I guess!
you want the GEL type loc-tite. That is what I use and it works great. The other type is much too liquid. Any superglue made with cyanoacrylate is reef safe and acceptable to use. I have used other types of super glue marketed for frag gluing and I keep going back to the loc-tite GEL. It has a nice thick consistency and cures very quickly once exposed to water.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I've gentle pried off mushrooms off rocks with a sharp probe when they've divided and over ran the spot I had for them. There is a youtube video that talks about fragging mushrooms if your looking at cutting up your mushrooms to get more pieces. I can't get my green mushrooms to stop dividing! They are taking over one section of the tank.

I also agree with Reef, try to take some rock with the zoa pieces. I've had some success getting under the polyp mat (without taking rock with it) but I seem to lose more doing it that vs. using a diamond disc/drill to get a piece of the rock and leaving the mat intact.


M.A.S.C Club Member
nobody should ever take that dreaded money shot, be careful palytoxin could potentially kill you. try explaining that to St. Peter, while I was glueing small animals to rocks....


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow that's crazy. I dragged some mushrooms today and they got me in the face but I'm not sure if it happens with mushrooms??


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow. Thanks for the info. I'm about to frag 20 Corals tommo and most are zoas so Im glad I read this! Glasses and gloves eh?

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I learned from the best! Aaron (Wicked Demon) used his pocket knife. Kinda like whittling a piece of wood.