Frag Pack for sale...

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Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Alright so I got messed over on my vacation with this little thing and I don't have the money to pay for it at this time. Soooo.. Frag pack sale!!

So here is the frag pack:
1. WWC Yellow Tip $15
2. Candy Apple Pink Pally $10
3. Purple Death Proto Pally $10
4. Green and Pink Hydnophora $15
5. ORA Green Birdsnest $10
6. Banana Lokini $20
7. Orange with yellow and green eye chalice $30
8. ORA Kelly Green Psammocora $10
9. Bali yellow green slimer $15
10. Tyree Satosa $15
11. Tyree Jaydas Watermelon chalice (3 eyes) $ 40
12. ORA California Tort $10

I also have more I can cut off my collection in my introduction page:!/page2

Under 440 Watt custom built LED's

Under just blues. The picture does not do it justice. (Cant figure out the white ballence on my camera)


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Just give a min bid, increment amount. And and end date/time. Then set limit for pick up... So maybe $25 to start and bid increases of like $2 or something. People seem to have fun.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Shifting to parting this out going to update the main post with prices. Also had the frag pack price too high after looking at the part out prices.
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