Pulled out my old cube to finish sanding and polishing it and found a big split across the bottom panel. Anybody want it? Still has a coast to coast overflow. Let me know or else it's getting tossed
Only if I go to pick up that tank haha. But acrylic might change things. Idk how to fix that but would still
be willing to try and if not give it away to someone else for free haha.
Tank is in my driveway waiting for someone to pick it up. Please post if you pick it up. Someone is on their way now to pick it up. I'm not sure who I'm messaging. Lol
It's been picked up. This will be interesting haha crack is down the middle of the bottom curves into a corner, cracked at the corner and along the seem and goes to the top. Thanks Rick, I'll start a thread later to get opinions
It's been picked up. This will be interesting haha crack is down the middle of the bottom curves into a corner, cracked at the corner and along the seem and goes to the top. Thanks Rick, I'll start a thread later to get opinions
Wish that was all it needed! I'll shoot you some pics later down the road not to worried but it's the bottom and then along a side seam. When I'm ready to start working on it I'll pay for food or throw some beer your way for helping me out.
Wish that was all it needed! I'll shoot you some pics later down the road not to worried but it's the bottom and then along a side seam. When I'm ready to start working on it I'll pay for food or throw some beer your way for helping me out.