Free - Lyretail Anthias and Bangaii Cardinal


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a couple fish that are really picky eaters and I'm hoping to find a better home for them. I'm going to be travelling more and after trying every pellet and flake food in the world to keep these guys happy, it appears they will only eat frozen and refrigerated foods that can't be put into auto-feeders. Also, the anthias are recommended to eat multiple times a day. They are free to the first person that can pick them up (and can handle the picky eaters). The Bangaii Cardinal does great in a 30 gallon but the Lyretail will need a bigger tank.

I highly recommend a quarantine. I bought a Tang earlier this year that brought velvet (I think) into my tank. I put the Lyretail and Cardinal in the hospital tank starting May 7. They both were in small tanks with copper for two weeks with full water changes every couple days and fresh water dips in between. This helped remove all signs of disease and then they spent 30 days getting Paraquard treatment in a larger quarantine tank. I have since stopped the Paraguard and they appear 100% perfectly healthy to me now. However, you should still take all precautions.

I am home today and then again on Thursday and Friday. I live in northwest Arvada near Indiana and 86th.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Depending on your budget. There's a cool method with a single bottle wine chiller or other refrigerated device paired with the reversible DOS dosers to make an automated feeder. For you or anyone else that's interested. (Thread on RC somewhere)


M.A.S.C Club Member
I can take them, I have a 150 mixed reef and feed frozen PE Mysis, Rod's, and a few other things. I can pick up after work tonight.