Free - Softie Rock


M.A.S.C Club Member
12+" Rock with Kenya Tree, few mushrooms and some aiptasia. There might even be a few zoas and a baby rose 'nem (1/2") on there, but I don't know. This is a show quality/size kenya tree rock that is absolutely hypnotizing with my wave box - I have some Leng Sy cap that needs to grow in this spot so it has to go.

Free, although I would gladly take some empty rock of similar size in exchange. Bring a bucket and pick 'er up. I am in Longmont.

For reference, the mag float the pic is the big one (2.5"x3.5").



M.A.S.C Club Member
It has aiptasia. If you are cool with that, then send me a PM and we can work it out. It is probably 8-10" wide.