For Sale:
-120 gallon drilled peninsula tank with an internal overflow that goes to an external overflow box where the plumbing is located. ***the external overflow box has 1 broken seam from when I was cutting the plumbing today and needs attention*** No stand but includes the framework for a hood. The tank needs to be cleaned hence the price. ..... $100
- 2 five gallon buckets (about 50 or 60 lbs each) of live sand (caribsea special grade reef sand) ....$10 per bucket or free if you buy the tank
- 40 breeder sump/refugium ...needs 2 of the baffles re-siliconed ...$20 or free if you buy the tank
call or text 314-853-7792
-120 gallon drilled peninsula tank with an internal overflow that goes to an external overflow box where the plumbing is located. ***the external overflow box has 1 broken seam from when I was cutting the plumbing today and needs attention*** No stand but includes the framework for a hood. The tank needs to be cleaned hence the price. ..... $100
- 2 five gallon buckets (about 50 or 60 lbs each) of live sand (caribsea special grade reef sand) ....$10 per bucket or free if you buy the tank
- 40 breeder sump/refugium ...needs 2 of the baffles re-siliconed ...$20 or free if you buy the tank
call or text 314-853-7792