Hate having to sell but i am moving and need to sell my 180 gallon glass bow front tank , fish and all accessories.
Tank is in great shape . I have cabinet and full matching hood.
30 gallon sump and skimmer
Brs carbon and Gfo reactor .
Two heaters
Three 150 watt adjustable led lights [china} but they are awesome for coral. i ..
I have tons of soft coral , blue clover , zoanthids , Pulsing xenia etc.... too many to list and many i dont know the names .
Have some awesome fish that have been living together for quite some time . None of them pick on any coral and live peacefully ...I have a male Naso (which ever is the more expensive type ?) only about two to three years old but has streamers . Awesome Purple tang , yellow tang, vlamingi tang a clown , and bright red shrimp ,
I also have a 4 stage RO filter.
Everything is up and running . Not one piece of aptasia. HHave a bunch of misc. a wave maker that attaches to the back , i never used it , but works , tons of test kits , etc....
I put a ton of time and money into this tank . Hate to sell but moving to a smaller house and i wont fit ! : (
Going to list hear and maybe craigslist or ebay.
NOt sure what the asking price should be . Any help would be appreciated .
Not trying to get what i put into it but looking for a semi reasonable price....
Please email me at silkphoto@aol.com
thanks so much for any advise , offers or suggestions .
Tank is in great shape . I have cabinet and full matching hood.
30 gallon sump and skimmer
Brs carbon and Gfo reactor .
Two heaters
Three 150 watt adjustable led lights [china} but they are awesome for coral. i ..
I have tons of soft coral , blue clover , zoanthids , Pulsing xenia etc.... too many to list and many i dont know the names .
Have some awesome fish that have been living together for quite some time . None of them pick on any coral and live peacefully ...I have a male Naso (which ever is the more expensive type ?) only about two to three years old but has streamers . Awesome Purple tang , yellow tang, vlamingi tang a clown , and bright red shrimp ,
I also have a 4 stage RO filter.
Everything is up and running . Not one piece of aptasia. HHave a bunch of misc. a wave maker that attaches to the back , i never used it , but works , tons of test kits , etc....
I put a ton of time and money into this tank . Hate to sell but moving to a smaller house and i wont fit ! : (
Going to list hear and maybe craigslist or ebay.
NOt sure what the asking price should be . Any help would be appreciated .
Not trying to get what i put into it but looking for a semi reasonable price....
Please email me at silkphoto@aol.com
thanks so much for any advise , offers or suggestions .