FS: 180 Gallon Bow Front .. Complete setup .

Hate having to sell but i am moving and need to sell my 180 gallon glass bow front tank , fish and all accessories.
Tank is in great shape . I have cabinet and full matching hood.
30 gallon sump and skimmer
Brs carbon and Gfo reactor .
Two heaters
Three 150 watt adjustable led lights [china} but they are awesome for coral. i ..

I have tons of soft coral , blue clover , zoanthids , Pulsing xenia etc.... too many to list and many i dont know the names .

Have some awesome fish that have been living together for quite some time . None of them pick on any coral and live peacefully ...I have a male Naso (which ever is the more expensive type ?) only about two to three years old but has streamers . Awesome Purple tang , yellow tang, vlamingi tang a clown , and bright red shrimp ,

I also have a 4 stage RO filter.

Everything is up and running . Not one piece of aptasia. HHave a bunch of misc. a wave maker that attaches to the back , i never used it , but works , tons of test kits , etc....

I put a ton of time and money into this tank . Hate to sell but moving to a smaller house and i wont fit ! : (

Going to list hear and maybe craigslist or ebay.
NOt sure what the asking price should be . Any help would be appreciated .
Not trying to get what i put into it but looking for a semi reasonable price....

Please email me at silkphoto@aol.com

thanks so much for any advise , offers or suggestions .


SCMAS Board Members
Interested in skimmer, BRS dual reactor, heaters, wave maker, any other pumps and power heads, purple tang, vlamingi tang, shrimp
Cools ..will let you know would love to try and sell it all at once ... if not then i will break up ...

LeviK;321905 said:
Interested in skimmer, BRS dual reactor, heaters, wave maker, any other pumps and power heads, purple tang, vlamingi tang, shrimp


M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I'd be interested in Naso depending on the size and price if you decide to part out.


SCMAS Board Members
Also stats and models for equipment. Lately selling full systems has not moved quickly so parting out may be something to consider.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
If you do piece out, and if reeftaculous doesn't take the the Naso I'd be interested in it. I'd also be interested in the purple and yellow tangs and the shrimp.