FS FT 48" 2 x 250W Metal halide fixture with lunar lights

Selling a used 48" dual 250w metal halide fixture. asking $200 o.b.o. or trade let me know. looking for protein skimmer, power heads, wavemaker, carpet anemone, whatever.



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What kind of ballasts does it have?
Id possibly trade you SPS frags for it
its an off brand light so i dont know the brand of ballasts. dont really need corals at this point, more concerned on water flow at the moment. i would trade for some power heads like koralias or something.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I had a hard time moving a dual MH blue wave 400w ballast with reflectors for $100. It is funny how far and fast halides have fallen since the LEDS are in. These things consume too much energy and put off a ton of heat for anyone to really want them anymore. I have a Koralia 4 I would trade. If not free bump :).
Although that is true I think that halides are still the tried and true method. I think LEDs still have a ways to go. Just my opinion. I love my 2 400watters and won't be switching to LEDs for at least another year or 2. As for the trade that works for me. Pm me with your number and well set something up. You don't have any frags to sweeten up the deal do you?


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
sk8now2003;158795 said:
Although that is true I think that halides are still the tried and true method. I think LEDs still have a ways to go. Just my opinion. I love my 2 400watters and won't be switching to LEDs for at least another year or 2. As for the trade that works for me. Pm me with your number and well set something up. You don't have any frags to sweeten up the deal do you?
My tank just cycled so I am looking for corals at the moment. I do have all kinds of misc equipment laying around.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Any bullbs with the 175w?? I have a bucket of power heads rock a few tanks canistor filter some old skimmers that could be made into reactors..........I have a lot of random stuff
Anything you get will probably require new bulbs lol. I have a uv sterilizer 15 watt aqua uv +2000 (no bulb) lol. 20 gallon standard ( has some baffles) coralife powercenter light timer. What kind of power heads do you have? If you have any koralia I'd give you everything I just listed for em.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hhmm ill have to see how much bulbs are going to cost. I do have koralia. But only one I am not using but I am doing some tank rearranging so I might have anotherr