FS Longnose Hawkfish. NEED TO SELL ASAP

I have sold my other fish, but I had someone fall through multiple times now so I'm going to put this guy back up. He is a great looking fish, about 3 1/2-4". Eating anything and everything I put in the tank for him. I really really need him out so I can get going on my build while I'm off. 10 bucks, first person to show up tonight or in the morning gets him. Unfortunately, if noone shows up early enough tomorrow he will have to go back to the fish store. I'd rather see him in one of your tanks. He will eat your shrimp if you have them, but that is the only quirk he has. PM me your number and when you can pick him up. I'll be up tonight for awhile so tonight works, or tomorrow morningish. LMK!


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I honestly have no need for him right now but if you need a place to keep him, my qt is open I'm in lakewood too.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Damn, if I knew you only wanted $10 for him I would have taken him too.
I had a someone pending purchase, but they flaked 4 different times so now I'm just trying to get him sold so I can break down that tank. Can you come down here to pick him up? I'll even throw in a frogspawn frag or two if you want them.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
If he can't, and you could put him in something for a bit, could send GF to come pickup Saturday perhaps and bring it up to me.
Unfortunately all I have to put him in is a 5 gallon bucket. I don't know if that will be good enough because I don't even have a heater to put in with him.
Here's what I'm going to do. I am going to keep the 30 up for one more day. I will be home until about 2 today and tomorrow I will be home in the morning until about 1130 12 and tomorrow evening around 7 or 8. The first person to come over and pick him up will get him for 10 bucks and can take a DBTC frogspawn with them if they would like.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Bucket definite no-go.

Was just double checking stuff on it. Make sure it won't eat anything, apparently big time jumpers? That might not work for me, have a more open tank and I can't convert to covered anytime real soon. Might be better to take it to one of the good LFS in the area .
I have a semi open tank. It is about 4 inches from water level to where he would have to jump to get out and he hasn't gotten out b4. I may give aqua mart a call and see what they'll do for me.