FS: Marco Rock and Live Sand...

Ok, well being a newbie again with a new tank, I overestimated the amount of dry rock (Marco rock) that I needed for my 28g nano... I purchased 50 lbs and used no where near that. I also purchased 40lbs of the Carib-Sea Live sand and didn't use anywhere near that as well.

I am down in Colorado Springs so give me a yell if anyone is interested. I just set up my tank tonight and opened the LiveSand and I am not sure how long it is good for once it has been opened.


Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome to the club! Pics of your tank or it didn't happen :)

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Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
And how much rock do u have and how much are u looking to ge for it

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