FS: open top sump

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Sold, thanks all!

This was the sump for my 800g tank. It is made by Envision Acrylic, is super nice, and uses 1-inch side panels so there is no bracing on the top. Here is a rendering of it I drew as the design:

View attachment 5588

It is about 4 feet by 3 feet by 18 inches tall. The "input" side has 4 two-inch diameter slots for bulkheads and a couple of one-inch or 1.5-inchers in the back. The "output" on the front has 3 two-inch and 1 1.5-inch. I have bulkheads for all of the outputs and most of the inputs if you would like.

The 2-inch wide strip in the middle of the three zig-zag pieces has an eggcrate piece that sits inside it and into which you can place filter media for fine mechanical filtration. I used strips of felt to quickly suck large quantities of silt out of the tank just via this feature of the sump. In day-to-day operation, you take the strip out and you get full flow-through.

This sump was about $1500 to construct back when acrylic was half the price it is today. It needs a bath but is otherwise ready to roll. You can have it for $450 obo.
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I could put my loveseat in that thing and still have room to recline. Wow!
Folks, I need to move this sump. My house is going on the market in a week, and so someone is going to be the lucky recipient. I would like to get $100 for this beast, but you'll need to come pick it up in the next week or so. Any takers?


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would be interested in taking a look at this as well while I am picking up the Water Storage containers.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks Ben, it was nice to meet you. Good luck in your move and thanks for the great deals!

He really wasn't kidding when he said this thing was a beast.
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