I've painfully decided to break down my 28g JBJ Nano with LED lights (to eventually sell). That said I have my prize pair of livestock for sale to a good home.
They are a Wyoming White clownfish and a Naked clownfish, paired with a Sunburst Anemone as a package deal. I always wanted a wyoming white clown and thought the contrast with a naked clown was awesome. Their coloration are basically completely opposite of one another. They are both hosted by nems (though not at the same time...lol), but will only come with one.
I am putting this package out there at $300
- Wyoming White - $100
- Naked Clown - $25
- Sunburst Anemone - $200
Here are two links to previous Sunburst threads of mine...not the best pics because they were taken with a phone, but show a general idea. They are stunning in person and especially under blues.
Here's a couple older pics of when I first introduced these into my big FOWLR tank.
GREAT comparison to RBTA's on the right. These glow under blues.
Closer up on them...tightened up because I had just acclimated them into this tank.
I've painfully decided to break down my 28g JBJ Nano with LED lights (to eventually sell). That said I have my prize pair of livestock for sale to a good home.
They are a Wyoming White clownfish and a Naked clownfish, paired with a Sunburst Anemone as a package deal. I always wanted a wyoming white clown and thought the contrast with a naked clown was awesome. Their coloration are basically completely opposite of one another. They are both hosted by nems (though not at the same time...lol), but will only come with one.
I am putting this package out there at $300
- Wyoming White - $100
- Naked Clown - $25
- Sunburst Anemone - $200
Here are two links to previous Sunburst threads of mine...not the best pics because they were taken with a phone, but show a general idea. They are stunning in person and especially under blues.
Here's a couple older pics of when I first introduced these into my big FOWLR tank.
GREAT comparison to RBTA's on the right. These glow under blues.
Closer up on them...tightened up because I had just acclimated them into this tank.
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