Fuge in main chamber of 28 gal JBJ nano

I have just purchased the jbj glo LED light for my nano refugium chamber. Right now I'm running the sponge, carbon, and bio rings in the basket, I plan take that out and add some cheato and live rock rubble into the main chamber. Then run the carbon and rings in a separate chamber. Does anyone else use the main chamber for a fuge? Any tips or suggestions? Of the four chambers you get two have return pumps the main has the basket and the other two are empty. My setup will be the main is the fuge, with the new LED running when the main lights are off, one chamber has the skimmer, one will have the carbon and rings and the other two will have return pumps one of which will have the heater.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I run the basket with cheato, carbon, and occasionally GFO or phosgard. I personally saw no need for the bio rings. I have the jbj glo led as well. all in all for what it is I suppose it works pretty well, but in my opinion its not great and I think the addition of a skimmer would be better.

For awhile I didnt use the basket at all and just let the cheato take up the whole thing problem was at some point it got sucked up into one of the next chambers and didnt get any light at all. I didnt know so it eventually disintegrated so now im back to the basket. I have already added an ATO with kalk and plan on trying to use a combo GFO/carbon reactor instead of media bags. If I can get a new stand and somehow move the tank onto it with taking everything out id like to finagle a small external sump an skimmer in there somehow so that I can officially defeat the purpose of buying the JBJ all in one unit. :)
Interesting! I was thinking id make the whole center chamber a huge but didn't think about the cheato moving into the others. I have a skimmer in the larger chamber to the left and the smaller one to the right is the heater. Does that glo light work well with the cheato and that area then? I lie that its less and so compact is why I went with that over a cheaper one, I actually found it online today for 49.00 with shipping! Maybe I could put some sort of screen on the huge over flow to stop cheato from moving over? The bio rings I already had from my 75 gal tank moved them over from there took out the small bag of them it came with and filled the lower basket compartment with them. Are yo not a fan of the all in one system? I like the space saving aspect of it but do miss the room of a sump and fuge from the 75 gal.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
The glo light is really cool actually I like mine allot. However it is a pain scraping the coralline off the back of the glass and the basket really gets allot of algae growth on it but I guess that is to be expected. I think if you can get rid of the basket it wouldn't be as bad. The glass is easier to clean than the plastic IMO

I like the all in one systems its just funny I am trying to make it into something it was never intended to be. I would have been better off just getting a small reef ready nano instead of trying to modifying an all in one. :)
Yeah I see a lot of people trying to modify everything whatever works for you I guess. I like mine so far. I think its been 3 weeks since its been up and running. I am going to try to figure out the fuge part though so I can have rubble and cheato. I do have a lot of live rock not sure how many pounds but I dont know that I need the rings they were very established though so I figure it wouldnt hurt. I think I will definetly get rid of the basket. The instructions suggest putting cheato in the basket and get rid of the sponge thats a really small part for cheato though.