Fuge light timing and phosphates


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So I changed my light cycle on my fuge from 24hours to 16 reverse cycle. I am not giving up on it yet because my phosphates have always been at zero and I've heard a little aren't terrible and some species need them. So since the switch last week my phosphates are at 0.03 on a Hanna and I've had some algae show up in the tank. Any thoughts?


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Planning on making changes over fall break next week but right now DT is 5 250 watt HQI from 7:30-6. Will be adding 4 X 54 T-5's 420 nm and 460 nm and will reduce the MH times.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would drop your fuge lighting to no more than 10-12hrs light. Plants, even water plants, need a dark time. I have most of our display's refugiums on a 8-12 hour reverse exposure. All have been up and running with no issues for 3-5 years. Just my experience.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Might try cutting the halides closer to 8 hours slowly and then you can run supplementals for the addional 2-4 hrs


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That was what I was thinking once I had them up and running.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Those hannah test kits have an error range that high. Do you have a Salifert around that you can double check it with. I would not do too much crazy stuff until you are really sure that you have .03 for real.


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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
So what are your opinions on phosphates? Should they be at zero or should you have some? Which types of corals need phosphates to grow or thrive?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Everything needs phosphates to grow. I personally want to see "clear" on salifert test kits, but I also know that I have some because the coral grow, and I can also have some nuisance algae if my snails/crabs are not on the case.