I have recently been having a problem with what looks like peach fuzz growing all over my live rock. It grows between my candy cane heads and grows all over the glass. It really looks like peach fuzz and catches small air bubles that are coming from my sump. I have been testing out my water and peramiters are looking good. 0 nirtrates, 0 phosphates, Alk 10.2, Calcium 450, Mag 1500. The tank is almost a year old and everything in the tank was transfered over from another tank. I have new bulbs in my fixture, and have replaced all the filters and membrane in my RO/DI unit. It is a 65g with 2MP10 for circulation, 10g sump with Tunze 9015 skimmer. I have chaeto in my sump but have had slow growth with it. Looking for advice.