So I'm slowly collecting pieces for my garage sump/filter system. A 100 gal stock tank and a ~50gal divided sump, and an iwaki pump. I plan on utilizing all of the following nutrient export devises:
Bio pellets, carbon, refugium, 2 skimmers, extra live rock, and possibly GFO. Basically the 50sump is divided into 3 equal spaces. My plan was to gravity feed into space 1 thru a bio pellet "trap" then thru both skimmers then through a refugium. At this point the water will dump (still under gravity power) into the stock tank full of live rock, and then the iwaki will pull water out, thru carbon and GFO bags and go back to the DT and a frag tank(possibly). Any thoughts on the organization of it all? Would you guys change anything?
Bio pellets, carbon, refugium, 2 skimmers, extra live rock, and possibly GFO. Basically the 50sump is divided into 3 equal spaces. My plan was to gravity feed into space 1 thru a bio pellet "trap" then thru both skimmers then through a refugium. At this point the water will dump (still under gravity power) into the stock tank full of live rock, and then the iwaki will pull water out, thru carbon and GFO bags and go back to the DT and a frag tank(possibly). Any thoughts on the organization of it all? Would you guys change anything?