Garlic Food Additive


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey guys -

Anyone have any Kent Garlic extreme or similar that I can use? My purple tang has not eaten for about 6 days and I do not have the time to get out to any of the LFS cause I have workers at the house doing stuff every day after work. I am in Stapleton. Thanks!



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regular garlic powder from the spice rack works just as well. Just soak the food in it for a bit before feeding


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
What would you do - mix it in water and soak some pellets? I only have the mini New Life Spectrum ones


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In the case of pellets I would take a bit of ro water and mix with the garlic salt, then let that mixture soak for a bit. after about an hour or so, take the water and drip onto the pellets the same way you do with the kent stuff. Let that soak in for a few minutes then feed it to the fish.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Cool - I have never used any additive. I don't have pure powder, I but I have Garlic Salt on hand. I would imagine I could also do this with the Nori or other foods just the same.

How long do you think is worry time without food? I want to drop him in the DT so bad thinking that will de-stress him - but I know better.


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Ya that likely will kill him if he not eating in QT. Hard to say on worry time, but if he hasn't eaten in a couple weeks and is extremely pale in color and hiding in a dark hole, I would be worried. But If you have only had him a few days then I wouldn't be worried much, just be persistent in trying to get him to eat and try different foods if you can. Tangs love mysis shrimp as well as brine shrimp, nori ect.. You can soak any of those in garlic too and I would try and feed him small amounts as many times a day as you can till he eats. Although keep in mind that adding that much food means you need to clean the filters and water change more frequently to maintain water quality


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well, the story goes like this:

Had him in TTM for 2 weeks - ate like champ!!
Moved to QT and started dosing PraziPro and CP ate the same for a day
Forgot to turn on HOB filter and laying on tank bottom in the morning
Thought was dead and saw breathing just before trash
Used airstone and revived!!
Continued meds for 3 days, but color was horrible, rapid breathing and no appetite
In between all of this, jumped out of tank and found on floor
Added airstone and color returned
Moved to tank without meds for 4 days but still not eating
trying garlic :)


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Let me know if you still need anything. I have Selcon and Garlic extreme but they are both at school so I'd have to grab them before I leave today or you could stop by.


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That poor fish has been through quite the ordeal. Why treating with the meds? Was he showing signs of sickness? What size QT is he in, does he have some hiding spots in there? Personally I never treat with any meds unless they showing signs of sickness or infection. IMO Just leaving in QT and maintaining water quality is enough if they not showing any signs of sickness, and adding meds to treat a healthy fish can do more harm then good. I know others may disagree with that and have their tried and true methods, but I am of the opinion that if it isnt broken dont try and fix it. Just my thoughts.

But ya I would leave some nori pieces, soaked in a few drop of garlic, in the tank around where he is hiding so he can pick at it through the day, and then feed him some soaked frozen food as many times in the day as you can manage. Hopefullly he pulls through


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
MuralReef;357416 said:
Let me know if you still need anything. I have Selcon and Garlic extreme but they are both at school so I'd have to grab them before I leave today or you could stop by.
Yea - if you could snag it I can probably sneak out for a few minutes this evening and grab it from you - thanks!!