Getting Super Glue off of Acrylic


Cleaner Shrimp
I was adding more frags to the tank and saw what I believed was a saltwater drip on the glass. i got my towel to wipe it and found out that it was superglue. Does anyone have experience on removing this from the acrylic?

Thanks, and I hope that I made someone laugh.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have never had to remove super glue from acrylic but I have had to remove some stubborn stuff before. I have used a brand new razor blade (brand new out of package is key) and kept it perfectly parallel to the tank surface using very light pressure and was able to remove the debris without scratching the tank. Possibly using a lubricant like vegetable oil would help prevent scratching as well. I have also done this on a flat screen tv after my dogs went crazy and knocked a burning candle over onto the tv screen.
I don't know if super glue would "melt" into the acrylic making this that much harder to fix though.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
You definitely don't want to use any solvents, so don't go reach for acetone.

IME...a fresh razor is going to be your best bet. You may need to polish the area too...super glue does bond with acrylic very, very well.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Man, I love my glass tanks!