GFO slip-up

So, I bought a GFO unit a few months ago from BRS. It is the one with a GFO side and a Carbon side. Everything has been going great and my algae is slowly getting back in control.


I decided to change out the GFO and Carbon out, but didn't realize I had run out of carbon, so I only filled the GFO side and left the carbon side empty. Well, the GFO dumped tons of brown dust into my tank over the last 10 days..... My sock filter was a copper color and is pretty clogged. I changed out the sock and turned off the GFO unit. Today, everything is look much better but one of my Kenya trees and my nepthia are not opening up. Everything else seems fine.

Should I be doing some major water changes? Does the GFO dust add anything to my water that I should be worried about?

Just wondering if there is something I should do to help these two coral out....... Thanks!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Did you rinse the gfo first (run the reactor in a bucket of ro water till it runs clear)?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
dont worry too much about it, just be sure to rinse your gfo and carbon before each use to avoid problems like this... it wont hurt anything, just look unsightly.
I have the same unit. I dont think you have to run the carbon . Just dont turn it up too strong . Should only be slightly bubbling the GFO. And run about a gallon into a waste bucket before you run it back to the tank.