Green Star Polyp small colony for sale/trade


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a piece of live rock covered with GSP. Nice, bright green polyps that have great extension (my clowns host in the main colony). Rock also has a couple of small mushrooms (green with blue stripes). Rock is about 5"x4", GSP is starting to spread across the substrate so the mat is actually larger than 5x4.

Willing to trade for a true mini carpet anemone (can be a tiny recent split or freshly cut), sexy shrimp, interesting soft corals. Willing to sell for $20 if no interesting trades present themselves.

First photo is full extension, second photo is after I made it mad with a turkey baster.
View attachment 17777 View attachment 17778

I am in Superior or can meetup at the meeting next weekend.
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Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I just got done fragging a couple pieces and letting them attach to some frag discs. I'll send you some pics in a couple of days so you can pick which one you want. Sound good? If so I will bring it to the next meeting and we can trade then.