Help a newbie with an urchin

I am constantly putting coral frags in my fairly new tank. the next day i find some in the sand bed and sometimes I cannot find them at all. Later I find a floating plug it was glued on. I have a fairly large urchin that does a great job on keeping up on things, however, I wonder if he is knocking things around at night?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


M.A.S.C Club Member
large hermits? what type of snails do you have? what kind of urchin is it and how big? in how small of a tank?

its quite possible, my long-spine knocks over anything thats not glued, tied or strapped down. however he is a huge urchin and i deal with it because when i upgrade tanks i know he will be a key element to killing my algae. IMO Longspines best at controlling algae.. or at least mine is
I have a four foot 135. I do have some large snails and the Urchin is big in my opinion. When the long The body is bigger than a golf ball and from the end of one spine to the other end it is larger than a soft ball.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
IMHO, Id get rid of the urchin.