Help?Are my MP40 too much?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have no idea if this is the right place to post this so if it needs to be moved it ok.

I have a 90 gallon cube that is a 24"x24" foot print. I have two almost new fully upgraded MP40w. Also my tank does have a closed loop with four returns that is pushed by a reeflow snaper/dart hybrid, so flow is not the issue. I want some cross flow like a wave. My question is, are these MP40w's, too much for that foot print of a tank? Should I use just one, or sell them both and get some MP10es's?

Any advise would be great.



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
If I had that cube, I'd run the MP40's. I don't think the closed loop would be necessary
with the MP40's but others may disagree :)

Or, maybe you could use the closed loop as a kind of surge every so often. Like 10 minutes every hour or so?