Hi everyone, I'm Sam. Currently on my 3rd reef tank build.

Hi everyone!

I'm Sam.

Currently cycling a new 65g reef tank set up.

32" Hobby Bug euphotica led light
65g reef ready tank
25get sump / refugium
60 lbs base rock (cycling)
60 lbs live sand
758 GPH quite one return
2x 650 GPH power heads
Chaetomorpho in sump (day one)

Been in the reef hobby for about 6 years now. Still and always learning. Look forward to meeting you all, very excited to gain and share some knowledge and hopefully some frags.


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Hey welcome man. Glad to have you around. How do you like that light, I'm unfamiliar with it. Keep us posted with a build thread.
The light is actually pretty amazing so far. You can program each half hour or hour to mimic the sun rising, hitting it's zenith and fading. Only using it at 50% intensity however. The PAR at 24" at 100% is extremely bright. Would likely bleach my tank. Once I figure out how to load pics I will show everyone.
It was nice meeting you as well! Can't wait to see your new build.


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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
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Just in case anyone wanted to see. Here are some pics of the current build.