Hoeven's Wrasse


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I purchased a Yellow Coris Wrasse about a year ago to help with my flatworm problem. It eradicated them in about a week and have not seen them since. Yellow Coris and Hoevens have almost identical eating habits. My YCW has not bothered anything except he harasses my diamond goby once in a while, nothing serious though.

A couple weeks ago I scored a Vroliks Wrasse from the shop. Its almost identical to the Hoevens except its tail is spotted and the Hoevens is striped. Not only is it a stunning fish but it has not bothered anything.

However, Jamie (Rockies Pride) had a Hoevens that he was getting rid of. His wrasse was very aggressive looking for food and moved/tipped over a lot of corals.

Some Melanurus (Hoevens) Wrasses are known to go after inverts (shrimps and snails mainly). I do believe this is dependent on the type and collection area. On the wholesale lists I see at least 5 or so "codes" for Melanurus Wrasse's. These codes differentiate stock by collection area and variants. Which is the safest one to buy? I have no clue but it does explain why some have great success and some lose snails and such to them. On the whole though, its a safe bet fish.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well once upon a time I was a sucker and bought Nas snails on EBAY.... so of course unbeknownst to me (because I had not done my research) I got Ilyanassa obsoleta instead of Nassarius vibex, and the breed like rabbits. So the idea of the wrasse munching a few does not bother me all that much...in fact if it helps to tantalize his appetite I will coat a few of them per week in honey and live brine :p