How Often do you run your skimmer??


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
OK, so my question is, how often do you run your skimmer..... yes, yes, yes i know it depends on your bio load but lets get past that for a min and lets just go on a general bases. My two requirments are you must have more than 4 fish per 100gal of DT and have a established reef... so lets hear it.

Reason i ask......

Got the new APEX running like a dream after three days of total frustration and found that my skimmer which is supplied by my reactor pump is consuming a whooping 1.6amps which is crazy i know but its a big pump that bubbles that fella. So if i come to the conclusion that maybe 12 hrs a day is sufficent it would save me roughly 2.0836 KwPd... which equates for roughly 5.8% of my total household ussage per day.... thats pretty steep my friends. That means on a full days use the Skimmer (not including supply) is equal to 11.6% of my whole house ussage OUCHHHH... With my entire system on the Apex i am registering 7.2amps, that is ALOT given i was trying to get in uner 3amps per hour on an average. My average currently is 6.3 when you take total ussage per day devided by the hours in the day. This said if i could get a general consensus that my skimmer is A'ok at 6, 8, or 12 hours per day that would get me one step closer to what i need. i have a few other things that i will turning onto a cycle in hopes they also cut down on power. using well over 40% of my total household ussage in the tank is BAD.

So yeah... what do you do and what do you think????


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
reefmaster719;194164 said:
Sorry to thread jack... You like the apex more then reefkeeper?..
yes i do.. but NOT a beginner controller... a total ***** to set up, seems like it could be FAR easier and user friendly plus the service center SUCKS!!!!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ive had this discussion many years ago with a few reefers and we came to this conclusion - If you're going to shut down your skimmer for a few hours a day, do it at night when the food source is most active. A few things I noticed in the past few years are that some skimmers have start-up issues meaning they dont like to start once shut down and some skimmers hyper activate when first started causing skimmate to flood back into tank. I would try to leave skimmer running 24-7 and shave power usage somewhere else such as lighting or flow. Or quit watching TV so much lol.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
What skimmer you running? The swc I'm running on my system only pulls 50 wats per hour the one I'm selling currently that I had on my setup only pulls 25 watts
I running mine 24/7 it's not worth taking a chance in my eyes when you turn your skimmer off the next hour after is a waste of energy because it takes that long for the skimmer to build up the proteins to run like its supposed to. Also when you shut your skimmer off all the buildup in the neck will go back into the water column


Butterfly Fish
Dbarnes;194165 said:
yes i do.. but NOT a beginner controller... a total ***** to set up, seems like it could be FAR easier and user friendly plus the service center SUCKS!!!!
Interesting, I thought both were suppose to be easy and only ReefAngel was for advanced people. Thanks for the info.
I have never turned mine off other than to clean it or when I run phyto it oyster feast in my system. Never had a problem. A couple times a week I clean thick stinky rotten skimmate out and I can't complain about anything.. Except of course it makes my house smell like a port-o-potti!!!