Ich treatment


Butterfly Fish
So, my 100 gallon has Ich. New tang no QT on Saturday, notced one white spot on tang, 8 hrs later its 4 white spots and hes scratching on rocks.
Equip available:
40B, 20 sump, need to remove old rock and water. Have skimmer. ATO can be attained. This was the DT a few weeks ago, so it has pump and all that.
If I ht and go through the hassle, Im doing every fish and leaving DT fallow for 6 weeks
Have spent hours reading.
Would prefer Cupermine or Copper as it seems moree effecitve than Copper, my concern is how to handle bioload. I have 2 clowns, a tailspot blenny, 2.5 inch tang, 3 PJ cardinals, Scribbled rabbitfish, Multi color pgmy angel, 1 barlet anthian.
That being said, I cant use prime or any other waste management system, besides water changes with copper, correct?
If I do hypo, I can do Prime, plus water changes to control wastes, right? If it was one or 2 fish in the 40breeder I wouldnt worry so much. But being that I am putting a pretty heavy bioload, into what amounts to an uncycled tank, only relying on water changes, I think having some chemical help in the waste management system would be advisable.

On a side note, the tang started on the body, but on the angle and rabbit, I noticed 1 or 2 small white spots on the fins. Everyone is breathing normal, and while the lights were on the tang was still eating like crazy. I will check in the morning and see how it looks. Oh and the compounding factor - I seem to be having a giant bloom of amipods, like on the glass in low flow areas, thinking what I might be seeing on the angel and rabbit could be amphipods?
The way I see it, I dont have a soultion to manage waste while using copper unless its lots of water changes, given the bioload. COuld be like 40% a day.
Please give me you thoughts.

Same thing posted @ RC


Butterfly Fish

Update: the tangs whites spots have all turned brown. Still graving at nori. The clowns show no spots. The tailspot fine. PJ Cardnials, as far as I can see no spots. The angel, one white spot on his tail. The Butterfly fish, one white spot on pectoril fin. No scratching from any fish. The Bartlet is MIA. Though for the past 3 or 4 days, the bartlet has been swimming towards the surface, but not gasping for air. Either way hes seems to be shrimp food. The surfrace swimming is was new to him.

Do I move forward with treatment or no?

See if these pics are worth psoting.


Butterfly Fish

I dunno what to do at this point, leave with Ich in my tank always knowing its there, or try and pull all fish and hypo, then qt everything that isnt a fish, and treat all new regardless of what they show to avoid a reinfection???



Butterfly Fish
Arrggg, in the last 4 hrs, a bunch of spots have appeared on the tang. The 40 isnt quite ready to act as a HT as it still has old stagnet water. What would you do in my shoes?



Butterfly Fish
Well I just went through a similar situation in my tank but was unable to set up a qt or a ht so I started SOAKING my frozen and pellet food in garlic guard for around 30-40 min to boost their immune systems and I kept my water quality good with more water changes and it is now almost a month later and I didn't loose any fish (even though for a time I thought I would) and I am almost completely ich free!!! Also I installed a UV and that has appeared to help.


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Water changes 5 to 10 % two times a week and siphon the sand. Uv, I got one 1 week ago for this same problem and it is helping! Doesn't kill all phases of ick but does get the free floating stage. Feed like crazy! Soak in garlic and seachem metronidazole and focus. It could take a while to break the cycle but the fish can overcome if already healthy.