I'm pink and awesome, what am I?

I got this from another awesome forum member some months ago but forgot to get an ID, and I swear there is a thread for getting ID's but I can't find it now. So feel free to move this, mods, but I would like to know what this is, if anyone can help. Not with the intention of selling it but just for me. Thanks all in advance for looking!



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Looks liek an acan / lobo / blasto cross breed! Im now curious ot know what this is!!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
im gonna say its a chalice of some such... let me know when it grows out see if i win hahahaha


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Looks way to fleshy to be a chalice to me, but if it is thats one hell of a macro shot!
yeah I would have thought chalice or something too except it pretty much always has its feeder tentacles out and it's not bumpy at all, smooth and a little translucent. The individuals are about the diameter of dimes or pennies right now. And it's growing on a piece of hard skeleton that has long, straight grooves in it like someone ran a comb across it.