As with many of us that aren't blessed with central air... I'm battling heat issues in my 180 reef tank... I have added ice cube bags to the sump on really hot days, have a big a$$ fan pointed straight down the center top of my tank.... and my tank still bounces around from 75-85 degrees!!!
With such drastic swings in temp bc of the lovely weather here in the springs... I have been losing some really sweet pieces lately (everything else tests out fine in my tank but still i am doing water changes)... The only thing I can think of is the temps.
Cried yesterday when I pulled out a piece that was not only one of my fav's but wasn't freakin cheap either! Grrrrrrrr .... anyway ....
Anybody have something they are getting sick of the spouse gripping about tripping over?? LOL I'd love to be able to put it to good use! A drop in is preferred... I can do cash or cash/trade/or credit on CuC or even get you something special in if my suppliers carry it as trade. lol
With such drastic swings in temp bc of the lovely weather here in the springs... I have been losing some really sweet pieces lately (everything else tests out fine in my tank but still i am doing water changes)... The only thing I can think of is the temps.
Anybody have something they are getting sick of the spouse gripping about tripping over?? LOL I'd love to be able to put it to good use! A drop in is preferred... I can do cash or cash/trade/or credit on CuC or even get you something special in if my suppliers carry it as trade. lol