JBJ RL-20 frag tank gauging interest.

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Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I just recently purchased a brand new jbj rl-20 frag tank and it came in with a few baffles that separated from the false wall. There is nothing wrong with the tank itself the baffles just need to be siliconed to the filer wall again and it will work perfectly. I am wanting to sell this to find the lighting for my frag setup. These are $300 brand new, I'm asking for $250 obo. Let me know if you're interested.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just realized a few places have this tank for less than the usual price of $300 so I'm gonna lower it down to $200. It's a great tank and it comes with the return pump, spray nozel and egg crate. Great aio frag tank.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Josh got any pics of the tank and the seam issues? Also whats the dimensions? Yes im Google lazy today lol


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
JBJ RL-20 frag tank gauging interest.

CRW Reef;320726 said:
Josh got any pics of the tank and the seam issues? Also whats the dimensions? Yes im Google lazy today lol
The dimensions are 24x20x9. View attachment 20596 View attachment 20597 View attachment 20598
The last one is the tank minus the light. Not my pic though. The tank comes with the black egg crate with the feet to mount it on. It also comes with the spray bar and return pump. The tank has never seen water. I took it out of the box (which I still have) and saw the seams. Super easy fix, I'd just rather not mess with it and I need the money to buy a light to use.
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That's a super minor issue! This would make a really nice shallow reef tank too!


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dr.HarlemTutu;320733 said:
That's a super minor issue! This would make a really nice shallow reef tank too!
Yes it would. You would probably want to re position the return. On this tank it's down low on the false wall with a spray bar.


Reef Shark
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Damn, If I had the extra cash right now Id be all over this. You accept payment plans? LOL


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ReefCheif;320985 said:
Damn, If I had the extra cash right now Id be all over this. You accept payment plans? LOL
Lol i was thinking the same thing. Would love to have a frag tank, and that is a nice one, but just no cash for one at this time.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well when either of you have the money let me know. I'm sure it will be around. I can never sell anything on here lol. Speaking of that..... Bump


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J.guokas;321024 said:
Well when either of you have the money let me know. I'm sure it will be around. I can never sell anything on here lol. Speaking of that..... Bump
lol you just have bad timing I think. Most everyone is saving for MACNA and its summer which is just a horrible time to sell anything anyway. It will sell eventually Im sure as it is a great system. I'll keep working on my wife and try and convince her I need a frag tank, but you know how that goes lol
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