Jebao wp60 stoped working

Powered stoped working. Controller turned of. As soon as I disconnected a powerhead controller went back on. So I believe powerhead broke. Looking for new powerhead.

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Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Have you tried soaking the powerhead in vinegar/RODI for a few days.Then try taking it apart and cleaning it
It looks like something electrical. Controller it shuts off soon as I plug in power . As soon as I disconnect powerhead from controller control turns back on . I'm going to try to dip it in vinegar for a couple days as soon as I get home. But I kind of have doubts is going to fix it

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Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
I've had to replace my power supply on mine. I replaced it with a power adapter for a laptop that I got off of Amazon. I'm not sure the model but check the specs and you should be able to find a replacement. The one I got came with multiple adapters for a variety of connections.