just lost 3 sps and acans are on the way...



Well I left my new frag tank last night with everything colorful and thriving. Come home after school today and my monti setosa frag is white, my ponape birdsnest frag is white, and my flower petal monti frag is white. All the flesh is gone! Also my acan colony about the size of a baseball is ****ed off and has white squigglies ALL over it! Other frags SPS and softies in the same tank are doing just fine. What could have happened?

The only thing I can think of is I fragged a big colony of purple death polyps yesterday and ther were oozing clear slime as i was mounting them to plugs. Could some of this slime hit the other corals and killed them? I just tossed a bag of carbon in the water. Havent tested for anything yet...

heres my dead frags and my acan...



Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
+1. If the acans start to turn brown and melt you need to cut the dead flesh abd skeleton away immediatly to save the rest or it will continue to progress.


tossed carbon in and took a water sample to LFS. said ph was over 8, sg was 1.028, cal was fine, alk was a little high. I just did a water change and brought the sg down to 1.026. I wonder what would have happened over night to make that happen? All I do is regular topoffs with fresh ro every day. water changes are on sunday, and nothing bad has happened from this weekend until now.

The acan isnt browning at all, just super recessed with those white squiggles.

Im still thinking the slime from the purple deaths hit a few of the corals and hurt them bad.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Im not entirley convinced thats your issue. I have a decent size colony of purple deaths i frag regularly in a tank full of sps and have not had this issue. They slime up as soon as i take them out of the water, seen the slime get into the water column but has never harmed anything that ive noticed


M.A.S.C Club Member
its not the amount of alk. (as long as its above 8dkh), its the alk swing. did you dose alk in the last 24hrs?


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Once you figure out what happened, I can give you a frag of flower petal monti frag. I have bird's nest too but it's pink, not the ponape. Do you dose organic carbon or did you change your routine at all?


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think the birdsnest I'm selling is a ponape. It's yours if you come get it.


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I appreciate the offers, but the frags were from bigger pieces in my display tank, so I can replace them. The setosa is a bummer though.

Ive honestly changed nothing in the tank - not only in the last 24 hours, but the last 5 days, aside from adding fresh water for evap.
ryan;201757 said:
I appreciate the offers, but the frags were from bigger pieces in my display tank, so I can replace them. The setosa is a bummer though.

Ive honestly changed nothing in the tank - not only in the last 24 hours, but the last 5 days, aside from adding fresh water for evap.
Could the top off water been contaminated somehow?

sent from my HTC evo 4G


i dont know, ive been using that all week as well. Well eveything is recoveing just fine now. I did a water change and everything is fine again. THe acan is extended, although the areas between the heads lost a bunch of flesh, i think hell recover nicely. Everything else is extended and doing well. weird.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I was having similiar issues, was surprised to find a heavy amount of ammonia in my RO. Come to find out there were some issues with the water pipes outside my house, something was leeaching into the tap water. City came out, fixed what ever it was and no more ammonia in water, tank back to normal.

Becuase of this i have no begun checking my newly mixed water for nitrites, nitrates, ammonia and phosphates. I used to only check salinity and PH in newly mixed water, didnt ever think I had to worry about contaminates, Lesson learned.


hmm, i buy ro from todds. Ill ask em to test it next time im there. otherwise everything is doing fine again. Thanks for everyones input.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Funny how Todd's has staying power, been in business the whole time I've been in the hobby (almost 7 yrs now) and the store or its model hasn't changed. I go there only when I have too.... been 3 yrs since I needed to walk in there. Shame considering I live but 5 min from them.