Large Cave Rock with Green Mushrooms - Free or Trade

Superior (by Flatirons Crossing Mall). There are some shrooms on the back wall and probably on some rubble that would be easy to get out. One caution - they grow like weeds...


M.A.S.C Club Member
I appreciate it, but I am in Parker, and don't know when I'll be up north.

BTW - A razor blade works well too. If you cut off the foot, the foot will grow into a new mushroom, and the other one will grow a new foot.

Also, this is for my 9 year old son's tank. He would love it if they grew like weeds. :)
Going... Going...

This is about 2 days away from the garbage can, so please speak up if you want it. I hate just tossing coral, but I want to finally tear down this tank.
Gone! I did find a couple of pieces of rubble with mushrooms on them. Will post those for trade one the acclimate a bit to the new tank.