i am about to order in some of the most durable little marine shrimp, Palaemonetes vulgaris, is an incredible eater of encrusted algaes and detritus in the marine aquarium. In fact, this little shrimp (maximum size is one inch) will out-eat small ocean hermit crabs by 10 to 1. For you mini reefers out there this new live janitor shrimp is perfect. The shrimp will not harm live coral, tube worms, or any other invertebrate larger than itself.Aquarists have been looking for affordable saltwater feeder shrimp for years, here it is. Unlike the freshwater ghost shrimp that will only live in saltwater for maybe 10 minutes, this saltwater feeder will live forever in your tank or until captured by some hungry fish. We have customers that say they can go on a week's vacation or so and be assured that the fish are being fed properly without those messy and unreliable dry feeders. Just put 100 saltwater feeders in the tank and leave. The fish get them as they can and by the time you get back from vacation the fish are happy and the tank is not rotten from an auto feeder getting stuck open. What an ideal creature.
boxes of 250 shrimp for $60 .
live brine shrimp available also for $2.5 per pint (bulk pricing available)
live feeder clams(will also filter the water) $4.50 each
if you are interested please contact me asap text 7209353034 email ambrosioaquaticsales1@gmail.com
boxes of 250 shrimp for $60 .
live brine shrimp available also for $2.5 per pint (bulk pricing available)
live feeder clams(will also filter the water) $4.50 each
if you are interested please contact me asap text 7209353034 email ambrosioaquaticsales1@gmail.com