Looking for 36" lighting in the Colorado Springs area.

My son is making the switch to saltwater. I got a tank for him and all other items needed so far, except for the lights. Anyone that comes to the Springs area have a 36" light set up they are looking to get rid of? We are currently selling off items to afford a light set up (as well as additional lumber to finish the stand and hood). Please show the item (or link to picture) and tell me your asking price. Thanks.

I saw the one Mikejrice is selling but he doesn't come to the springs. That is similar to what we are looking for though. That or bigger (more lights).


M.A.S.C Club Member
i will be making the trip from Denver to the springs on this Sunday i can pick the light up from mike if you want.
Awn man. What an opportunity. Unfortunately i gotta pass as neither of my other tanks have sold on craigslist yet. As soon as one or the other sells id have the money. I guess, ill let ya know if one of them sell by eod Saturday k.
Hey D, just wanted to thank you again for that transportation offer.

Update, i believe i found a light and its being held for.me till i can afford the rest of the price. I should be all set soon. Thanks guys.