Looking for a biocube or nano tank


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hi everyone I'm trying to set up a tank for my son. I'm looking for a nano tank or biocube. Please let me know what you have. Thank you


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Might have a 20g Nuvo peninsula, upgrade return to mighty jet, ghost skimmer (lost the lid), stand, AI sol with hanging kit. Could throw in some new rock too. $140


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a complete up and running 20 gal tall system Ive been thinking about selling. Has bonded percula clowns & nem, other easy corals, 20 lb live rock and a couple gobys. Tank, stand, 10 gal homemade sump/fuge, hydor return pump, heaters, tunze ATO, ai prime, 2 powerheads. Probably a few other pieces of equipment I'm forgetting. Most equipment is 1-2 years old. I would estimate I have about $700 into it. I'd sell it all for $500, or make me an offer. I can send pics if you are interested

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Off The Deep End

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a 29g biocube, just the tank. Might have some extras but would have to look. 970-308-3745


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a 14g biocube sitting empty in the basement. I have the original light I think and a maxspect razor. In Aurora if you're interested.