Looking for UV sterilizer


M.A.S.C Club Member
So I bought one of the cheap ebay sterilizers since we are on a super tight budget and cannot make it stop shocking the Heck out of me and the tank.
Does anyone have one they are not using, would like to sell cheap?

I would trade but am also dealing with the flatworms from a certain LFS that will go unnamed. Not Elite reef, Keys Island, Neptunes, Todds, GBR, or South Broadway Tropicals.

Chris, I have a big one. (UV that is) It even has a new bulb. A trade would be fine as I have some flatworms also (not AEFW) and will do a double dip on whatever you have! Have you tried Flasher Wrasses yet?

Let me know as we can do this pretty easily as I am right down Quincy.

Aquamart sure went downhill after some key people left didn't it? I sure do miss the days when it was an amazing store......


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thank you Michael, could not ask for a better trade
Michael is an extremely generous reefer, he traded a huge sterilzer for a cpl red yumas with a green mouth.


Turbo Snail
Thanks Chris. I have lots of stuff that I tried but discovered a different methodology. THE UV is one of those things.

When I got started, I learned that the reefing community is pretty generous to newbies and I always seemed to get more than I gave from folks like Cris Capp (Aquatic Arts) and other advanced reefers who mostly lurk on these boards but tend to keep to themselves for reasons of which I was recently reminded.

I am pretty darned grateful that I am in a position to be able to afford such a great hobby and reefing community so far away from the ocean and I am now able to give more than I get!