I have a 90 bowfront stand canopy sump, plumbing, returns, skimmer the works. Just need rock, sand, and lights and you're golden. Also located in the springs...
Check the livestock for sale posts here - as some of those posts are selling livestock to then get rid of the equipment. May score a good turn key reef tank for a good price!
Yeah if I would have know how few $5 tickets were bought for it in the raffle I would have tried to win it super cheap as well. Very beautiful wood work.
Yeah if I would have know how few $5 tickets were bought for it in the raffle I would have tried to win it super cheap as well. Very beautiful wood work.
Won't lie, don't want to sell it. Plan for my basement changed and I have no place to put it now. If it doesn't sell believe me it won't hurt my feelgoods. I'll keep it and set it up!