Lurking no more...

Well, I'm 8 yrs in and I finally have something to show for it. It has a few flaws currently but I'm pretty happy with it as it continues to improve. Its on the upswing from neglect due to a new addition to the family.

I'm running 2x400watt metal halides, 432 watts of t5, 2 vortech mp40s, 1 mp10, a reef octopus ps-3000int skimmer(its a beast), DA Reefkeeper elite, 3 pc4, DA mlc(moon light controller) with 4 led pods, 2 blue and 2 white, reefkeeper2, calcium reactor, 2 fans for cooling, a 1/4 hp chiller for emergencies, and 2x 300watt heaters.

Livestock consists of 1 sailfin tang, 2 anthias, 2 true perc clowns,3 blue chromis,1 bangaii cardinal, 1 janns pipefish( he's about 8.5 yrs old), 1 pair of mated mandarins, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, hermits n snails, tigertail cucumber, 1 crocea clam,1 squamosa clam and 1 maxima as well, Cheatomorpha in sump, and 1 lonely little mangrove(more coming soon). I have decided to start transitioning to smaller inhabitants as far as fish go as well.

Salinity is 1.025
Temp 79 Deg
0 measurable nitrates
Ph 8.1
Alk 11
Mag 1250
Cal 430
All parameters are in order.
Lots n lots of flow. Vortechs are about 3/4 of full speed on reefcrest mode.

Please excuse my photography skills. This was all taken with my phone. I don't own a camera.
Any and all questions, concerns, and comments are welcome. You never know what can be learned from anothers discerning eye.

Thanks for looking.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Welcome! How many gallons is that tank of yours?

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member

Glad you stepped our from the curtains!!! :D Let me/us know if I/we can ever help with anything!
its a 120g 4x2x2. 40 g breeder for sump.

i take it the link worked? if not then i will use PB to load them.

it truly is a madness but i love it.
glad to be here and thanks.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I was not able to open the pics but I am using an ipad.
thank you very much. I am amazed at how fast that squamosa has grown. It was 1/3 the size of that maxima 9 months ago. It just gets more pretty all the time.

Thank you very much as well. That milli is one of my favs too. I underestimated it in the beginning but it has shown great promise with its color as its gotten bigger. As for a frag, you bet. When I break out my frag axe I will chop a chunk for you. That may be pretty soon...:whoo:


Staff member
M.A.S.C Club Member
M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
MASC Vice-President
Nice tank! My squamosa has grown fast from the start! Great colors and such on your sps as well. Thanks for sharing. Welcome to the club.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks for re-posting the pics. Awesome tank!