Macro question

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I don't have the ability to get my Chaeto spinning in my fuge. I do however have a powerhead pointing at it and swish it around daily. This okay? I am also using a Fluval full spectrum (25 k) marine and reef LED over the five. It is not a dimmable model but has two settings. Full spectrum or just blues.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Just fine IMO and not many people that I have seen have the room for larger balls to spin. One thing that I have learned is that if you rip the cheatomorpha in half a few times it grows faster do to the fact that you just created 4x as many strands to grow :p

* I could just be crazy though :lostit:


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Mine grows like crazy and doesn't move at all nor does it have a power head pointing at it.
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